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IT Support Service

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Your trusted and dedicated team of IT professionals for businesses in Kent

We're at the other end of the phone.

Our priority is ensuring that our clients receive a quick response and resolution for any IT issues that arise, handled by a personable and familiar team of IT professionals who know exactly how your IT systems work. 

We provide end-to-end IT support for your day-to-day business operations, from assisting your staff with common everyday hardware or software issues, to ensuring that business critical services, such as internet connectivity, email and telephony are running optimally and any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.

IT Support in front of screen, and available on telephone.

3Link IT Solutions provides competitively priced support packages tailored to your business needs; we can cover your whole team, your entire IT inventory, or something between. We find that a flexible and adaptive approach to support provides our clients with the best possible service.

For a free no obligation consultation

Get in touch with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Running a small business in Canterbury is rewarding, but IT problems can slow you down. Don't waste time wrestling with technology – let our friendly IT experts take care of it! We offer a range of solutions designed to keep your systems running smoothly, securely, and efficiently.

End-User Support:

Imagine this: a printer malfunction throws your entire office into a frenzy. Sound familiar? Our reliable and trusted technicians are just a phone call or email away, ready to resolve any IT issue your staff encounters. We offer both remote and on-site support options to fit your needs, so you can get back to focusing on what matters most – your business.

Network Security:

Is your business network secure? Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern for all businesses. We proactively manage your network infrastructure, including servers, printers, and internet connections, implementing layered security solutions like firewalls and anti-virus software to safeguard your valuable data. We also offer security awareness training to keep your staff informed about best practices.

Cloud Solutions:

Feeling bogged down by managing your own IT infrastructure? Cloud solutions can free up your time and resources. We can help you migrate your email, file storage, and other applications to the cloud (think Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace). This allows you to access your data from anywhere, on any device, and gives you peace of mind knowing your data is securely stored. We can even help you find cloud-based solutions for specific needs like accounting or manufacturing.

Data Backup and Recovery:

Ever experience a data loss nightmare? Don't let it happen to you! We offer secure and automated data backup solutions so you can recover your files quickly and efficiently in case of any issues. This is crucial to prevent data loss and potential legal ramifications.

IT Project Management:

Taking on a new IT project can be daunting. Let us handle the complexities! Our IT project management services ensure clear communication, efficient resource allocation, and minimized risks. This means your IT projects run smoothly, on time, and within budget, freeing you up to focus on growing your Canterbury business.

We understand the unique needs of small businesses in Canterbury. Whether you're a local restaurant, a retail shop, or a professional services firm, we have the expertise to help you leverage technology to achieve your goals.

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